The Brown-haired Juvenile Was The Fallen Solitary Star, Three Wolf-like Blond-haired Wanderers Kept Pursuing The Fallen Solitary Star Trail, Until They Thoroughly Took Possession Of Him.
⎯ Final Fantasy XIII Series:Snow Villiers and Noel Kreiss ・ Snoel Lost Poems ⎯
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We're very pleased to have reached a 5 years milestone! Feel not so
real though lol I'm sure that we'll have more colorful challenges waiting for us next year. My best wishes to you all! Cheers ❤️
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Ah, Merry Christmas-ed ^^ JUSTICE LEAGUEFMVs; Year-end project was not a grand one as my recommendation. Because I only hope group editors to create the works with happiest mood. Based on the originalGroup concept, I only invited editors to join this project. Along with our FMVs published one by one as 2017 activities also will come to an end.
Review back this year, I really very glad to see a simple video editors group still keep growing as our each work skills and ideas of project never stagnated in the same level.
Return to our subject lol This project all FMVs footages were from DC's Justice League the movie. Hummm actually the movie not so bad as Rotten Tomatoes said. But there were indeed fatal flaws in the storyline.
I don't want to review the movie, but there were something I really can't help myself to spit it out here.
First of all, I really really don't understand why the movie editor only kept highlight this Russian family. This was completely nonsense and broke the movie tone. Second, I can't fucking believe it! You guys just left the Mother Box there!? At least Cyborg has to pick it up and then Steppenwolf's sneak attack happens after Aquaman, Wonder Woman and The Flash fighting Superman. That should be a big melee of three aspects. Last, it's Justice fucking League! if Steppenwolf really is badass as Wonder Woman description in the movie. At least, the last battle scene should be made like The Lord Of The Rings II, Atlantis and Amazon still should send military aid armies as ancient did. Even if human being is weak in the present, a planned scale of air combat scene still necessary. Anyway, the last battle scene was fucked as a 3 hours movie became a 2 hours one (Poor DC missed a chance to face Marvel's Infinity War...) ^^
So, yeah, the last battle scene should do like our MV Wonder Woman:I'll Rock You・神力女超人 did ^^ Anyway done is done lol Now let's enjoy our Justice League FMVs part I! See you guys in part II 👍 ☕️ - Archer
Aquaman:The Sea Warrior・海王子
A fan made Justice League (ジャスティス・リーグ / 正義聯盟) FMV / Aquaman:The Sea Warrior・海王子
Aquaman (アクアマン / 水行俠) Images & Music Edited by personaapollo and personasnowvilliers of Persona Group
Warrior by Jaxson Gamble
A fan made Justice League (ジャスティス・リーグ / 正義聯盟) FMV / The Flash:Running・閃電俠
The Flash (フラッシュ / 閃電俠) Images & Music Edited by Sherry and personasnowvilliers of Persona Group
Wonder Woman:I'll Rock You・神力女超人
A fan made Justice League (ジャスティス・リーグ / 正義聯盟) FMV / Wonder Woman:I'll Rock You・神力女超人
Wonder Woman (ワンダーウーマン / 神力女超人) Images & Music Edited by Yama, Harlock and personasnowvilliers of Persona Group
Footage Editing Concept by personaarcher of Persona Group
publishing creation contents of Blog, Only for Persona Group members
privately enjoyment. All creations contents belong their original
owners, NO copyright infringement intended & commercial
profit-making purposes!
After played EPISODE IGNISDLC, about the two different endings, we can't classified as true or paradox but external and inner of Ignis'.
Here I also recommend you guys play the game with Japanese Version. We based on Japanese Version, the Alternative Ending of Ignis never care the world come what may even if extinction but Noct's destiny.
That's Ignis' true feelings for his king. Maybe Ardyn glimpsed Ignis' mind so he did want to take Ignis away from Noct and make them both suffering.
But as previous post mentioned, the Alternative Ending of Ignis was too personal heroism. Also it can't be the official ending lol Otherwise, that will lead to more bugs and blanks in the main game storyline.
For Ignis' sacrifices, regardless monarch and courtier or brothers or friends. The relationship between both of them completely beyond the loyalty meaning.
I only can say that they already married when Noct took Ignis' hand at the moment (spiritual level, don't twist pfft😈). - Jas
FINAL FANTASY XV:Episode Ignis Main Theme・Version 1
FINAL FANTASY XV:Episode Ignis Main Theme・Version 2
Fantasy XV Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved by Square Enix. NO
copyright infringement intended & commercial profit-making purposes!
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Après un Episode VII sympathique mais se reposant bien trop sur ses lauriers, Rian Johnson décide de balayer l'excès de prudence instauré par J.J Abrams en proposant un film unique au sein de la saga qui divisera les spectateurs pour la meilleure des raisons : son originalité.
Il est rafraîchissant d'assister à la sortie d'un Star Wars aussi politiquement et thématiquement engagé.
Une profondeur que je constate déroutante pour le spectateur lambda nourri aux films de divertissement nobrainer.
Cette intention de proposer de la profondeur pose racine jusque dans la réalisation se révélant bien plus subtile qu'auparavant, résultant à des soucis de compréhension auprès du spectateur non averti.
Les messages écologistes et anti-capitalistes véhiculés par le biais de passages à part entiers sont les bienvenus et ne sont dépassés que par une autre intention autrement plus louable qui s'agit d'aller jusqu'à remettre en question un des codes piliers des grands récits de l'Histoire : le statut du héros.
The Last Jedi émet par le biais de l'arc des personnages Poe Dameron et Luke Skywalker une vraie critique du héros moderne qu'on glorifie sans trop tenir compte des pertes physiques et matérielles qu'ils se traînent derrière pour accomplir parfois une unique bonne action, souvent apparent à un des moments phare du long-métrage abusant une fois de plus de ce trope.
Il est je pense important de mettre de côté son orgueil et sa certitude absolue que les codes de la franchise nous appartiennent, il est triste de devoir rappeler que le pouvoir créatif n'appartient PAS au spectateur qui n'a aucune légitimité dans la diction des règles de l'univers présenté à l'écran.
Une fois qu'on comprend ce simple fait, l'appréciation du film devient bien plus aisé.
Il est juste malheureux de constater que l'Épisode VIII s'affranchit totalement des enjeux de VII jusqu'à bypasser le développement de personnages majeurs comme un certain Snoke, se réservant même le luxe de relayer au second plan le personnage nous ayant initialement été présenté comme étant le protagoniste de la trilogie.
Que dire aussi de la bande son, très loin d'être à la hauteur de l'action à l'écran, John Williams est clairement en auto-pilote.
Et voilà où se situe le message principal de l'histoire.
La force est partout, en tout le monde et en toute chose.
Il n'y a pas de héros ni de méchant, le manichéisme est ici totalement abandonné, tranchant avec la dualité dure que le combat Jedi vs Sith mettait en scène jusqu'ici.
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